Sunday, December 9, 2012

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is an exchange of software between peers. This means they can share any files they want with anyone they want.  P2P file sharing, short for Peer to Peer, gives people the chance to download files, and share them with others. Napster is a very famous form of P2P file sharing. This site allow people to upload and download free music. This was the beginning of a big loss in revenue for the music industry. BigTorent is another version of P2P file sharing that makes it easier for people to distribute software and media without being charge tons of money. Limewire is another P2P file sharing website that used to be used to illegally download music and videos. Skype is a form of P2P because people are communicating with others over the computer. P2P can be a big issue because people are illegally steeling others information,files, music etc. I see why P2P sharing is helpful, but I also see how it ruined the music industry in many ways. P2P has its negatives and positives but what new media technology doesn't? 

The Next New Thing

I predict the next new media will have something to do with Smell-o-vision. People will be able to smell the scents of different pictures that their fellow friends post. This would be very helpful for all the food pictures posted on Instagram. Smell-o-vision will open up the world to a new stage of technology where people can share the scents of every step they take whether it is in their own country or on vacation in another. If this were to happen, I'd tag the smell of my favorite Israeli bakery, Marzipan! I would be able to share with my friends, the most amazing aromas of this delicious and savory bakery. Smell-o-vision would be really helpful for perfume advertisements, allowing people to smell the many different scents of perfumes. Smell-o-vision would be a really cool new media technology and I hope it will one day become reality!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Privacy and Confidentiality

I believe the terms privacy and confidentiality have erased from our dictionaries nowadays. For one thing, things used to be much more private. But now that new media is getting more and more advanced, people are opening up to the new media community in many ways. For example, people constantly post statuses and pictures of every detail in their lives, living nothing mysterious or unknown. People even geo - tag their locations, telling everyone exactly where they are at every step they take. I definitely believe this is an issue, but I admit I take part in a lot of new media therefore I would be a hypocrite to say sharing is an issue. But I do believe there is a limit to what we share! Some things are private and do not need to be shared. Thankfully, so far I haven't heard many negative effects on privacy and confidentiality but I think that everyone should think twice before posting pictures or statuses.