Friday, November 9, 2012


New media fosters creativity in several ways. In the article, Mash ups are a mix of different movies, and videos combined and edited and combined to make up an entertaining and original new video. I find this to be very creative and interesting. Different cartoon characters are used to entertain viewers. Although, I understand why companies like Disney would be upset when their characters are being used without proper permission. That indeed is considered steeling. But in general new media definitely gives people the ability to create their own fun, entertaining, and original media to broadcast and share with the rest of the media world.

1 comment:

  1. There is so many new media and ways to conduct business and pleasure. Mash ups are great and I love listening to them but you are right with companies like Disney would be upset when their characters are being used without proper permission. That indeed is considered stealing and should get permission not only to use them but use them in the right way. Like Barneys New York, the high end fashion store in the city and they are using disney characters but are making them look too skinny like models and people are complaining. They are complaing becuase this is not right to show to young children stick figure Disney characters.
