Friday, November 9, 2012

Creativity and New Media

The new media I decided to use was I learned how to upload a video and surprisingly, I found it very easy to do! I gave a demonstration on how to make a fishbone braid. I used my neighbor as a hair model and I gave a step by step tutorial on her hair. It was really fun and a new project for me. It was my first time uploading a video to youtube. I kept my page private, because I am not ready to share it with the media community. I therefore get to chose who sees my youtube video and who cannot. 

Here's a link to my video-


New media fosters creativity in several ways. In the article, Mash ups are a mix of different movies, and videos combined and edited and combined to make up an entertaining and original new video. I find this to be very creative and interesting. Different cartoon characters are used to entertain viewers. Although, I understand why companies like Disney would be upset when their characters are being used without proper permission. That indeed is considered steeling. But in general new media definitely gives people the ability to create their own fun, entertaining, and original media to broadcast and share with the rest of the media world.

Virtual Worlds

There are many ways virtual worlds can be used. One specific virtual world I read about is called Second Life. In the article, In Room 100, It's Sid and Nancy All Over Again, it discusses a Hotel thats prices rose, causing artists to leave the Hotel. Second Life, the virtual world gave these artists a replica of this Chelsea Hotel, giving them the ability to relieve the life they lived in the Hotel. I can see why it is a pro to have Second Life because not everyone has the privilege to live the life they aspire to. But the con of this is that it isn't reality and people are in a bubble living a life through a computer, which to me is pathetic! It is creative indeed, but I feel this is for children and not adults. The future of this virtual world will lead to people cooped up in their homes living solely on Second Life and forgetting about their physical lives. But in another article called, Going to the Virtual Office in Second life, I see a very beneficial side of virtual worlds. Being that businesses need to plan meetings and people are not always available at the same time, having virtual meetings through the internet is a big pro towards enhancing businesses. This is great for the future and will help give people an easier and more flexible schedule in their lives.